Materialized Views in Oracle. They must explicitly be refreshed, either on every… Materialized views# The Hive connector supports reading from Hive materialized views. Using materialized views against remote tables is the simplest way to achieve replication of data between sites. Suggestions cannot be applied while viewing a subset of changes. He gestured at Pendergast with a withered hand, using the peculiar Tibetan shake of the wrist that signified, come. to your account. Presto breaks the false choice between having fast analytics using an expensive commercial solution or using a slow "free" solution that requires excessive hardware. Suggestions cannot be applied from pending reviews. in commit message you said that hive 3 has special behaviour that basis stats are present even without analyze. During reading, it supports the non-distributed indexes like block index and bloom index. It gives below error. If the query is long, it is better to execute CREATE MATERIALIZED TABLE, which finishes instantly; and then, insert the data into the materialized table with the command INSERT INTO (