Leading troops into the battlefield is a dicey job. 1/5. Trending Quizzes. You Only Live Twice. What's the name of this young boy in The Phantom Menace? Not really. What's his name? 2/25. 1. Not really. Kel Dorian. Show Less. You're Luke Skywalker! Try the top political quiz on GoToQuiz to find where you fall on on multiple axes, then compare your results to others'. Use a Facebook account to add a comment, subject to Facebook's, "Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way? The list of the people and creatures who make up the complete Star Wars universe have inspired our imagination like no other. Dave Vader. nah. Take the quiz below and find out which Star Wars Clone Wars character you are! Obi-Wan … You got {%result value%} out of 15! Take the quiz and find More >>, Are you familiar with the dark side of the Force or are you a Jedi Master? You’re a great pilot, powerful Jedi, and one of the best commanders the Rebellion has ever known. Hatred is quelled with revenge, and power achieved only by taking it. Not really. 3/5. You have a keen political mind and always stand up for the underdog. A lot of people know what Star Wars is. 1. So, you totally know which character you are, right? Aranar. Wait, you haven’t watched Star Wars? And, more than that, there's probably one to represent just about everyone, too. « » Log in or sign up. Following orders didn't get you to where you are today. Hello! 2/5. Honestly, the aliens in Star Wars aren’t much different from the humans in this galaxy. As dark as you have become, there is still good in your heart. What should be your native language? Answer Image GoldenEye. maby. Find out whether you're a certain Wookiee warrior or someone else! Well, here’s your chance. 1/25. Correct. 1. There can only be Two, and you have a choice. Congrats, you are a Kel Dorian! You belong in the sky, braver than an Infantry Clone, and with a spirit soaring higher than any other. I'm Aranar a proud Mandalorian. These characters and the universe they inhabit inspire and scare us. Your past has a lot to do with your destiny, so value it! You are to become a Sith - A vessel for the Dark Side of the Force. I love you. Absolutely. Which Star Wars faction are you. May the answers be with you! Take our quiz with the cast of Star Wars: The Last Jedi! They have the seen the movies and imagine that they are Jedi. Tap to play or pause GIF CinemaPieces.com / Via bit.ly. You are a veteran commander, well trained in the art of battle. Of course you have! "The only thing that's necessary for triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Nope. ", “No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.”, “You underestimate the power of the dark side.”, "I've become more powerful than any Jedi.". Incorrect. pandagirl743 published on June 21, 2016 23 responses 2 « Previous Next » Questions in vertical order. What Star Wars Rank Are You? You have grand plans and usually get them accomplished. 6 Comments. Not at all. Some people refer to you as a scoundrel, but you’re just a compassionate smuggler at heart. I know. The most common Nautolan lightsaber color is blue. This Jedi appears in Attack of the Clones. 25. Su'cuy gar aruetii! Onedio > Quiz-Added on 1 February 2017, 05:59, Updated on 4 May 2017, 12:30. 26,302 takers. I thought that I was evil. OK, go watch it, and come back. Possible outcomes: SuperBattleDroid, Clone, ImperialOfficer, BattleDroid, Wookie and Rebel. How will you win? Maybe you are still learning...or maybe you just dont have the personality to be a Jedi. Take our quiz and find out which “Star Wars” planet you are from! Luke Skywalker. Who are you on the inside? Find out which one you are by taking this quiz! Take this quiz again! Guess again. yes. Are you a Star Wars super fan or not? Even though you’re a little reticent to be the center of attention, you can make a big impact by embracing your personality. Share this Quiz. After this short quiz it will take you to meet your new place in the galaxy. They are very acrobatic, intellectually superior to many other species, and are great pilots. What's your Kwami (my own kwamis) Are You Soft or Edgy? Making it accessible to … Community Contributor. Find out which character from Star Wars best suits you! The world of "Star Wars" is exciting as it is dangerous. You have a chance to join any side in a conflict you would join... the ppl who are beging to get democrecy. Enjoy! Pretty much More >>, You’ve almost completed your Jedi training, but there’s one big thing left to decide. Which Star Wars character are you? Think you know Star Wars: A New Hope? You are Kanan Jarrus! You are the best of the best, the elite. Laugh it up, fuzzball. Which "Star Wars" Couple Are You And Your Crush Most Like? Passion burns deeply within your heart, and those who oppose you are dispensed of. Extremely! Which “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Character Are You? You're a natural-born leader and have the mental capacity to calm yourself in chaotic situations. by Christian Zamora, Allie Hayes, … Basically, you’re more C-3PO, less IG-88. Image by Giphy. Personality Quiz: Which Star Wars Character Are You? What's your crush's best physical feature? If you’re also curious, travel through hyperspace with us and find out which character from Star Wars: The Last Jedi you are: Celebrate May the 4th with a Star Wars movie marathon! With the cold efficiency of an Imperial officer, the resourcefulness of a Rebel, or the smarminess of a smuggler? Answer These Eight Questions And We'll Reveal Which "Star Wars" Character You Are. Luke Skywalker. So the question has to be, which one of these incredible characters is, deep down inside, the same as you? Which “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Character Are You? Anakin Skywalker. A short time ago, in a theater not too far, far away from your house, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opened to record numbers at the box office. Just answer some quick questions on your favorite car, food, restaurant, friends, and other related things. Sort of. Answer Image You Only Live Twice. Quiz: How Big a Star Wars Fan Are You? Take this quiz and find out which side you’re truly on…. yeah i will treat my gf great. "The force will be with you, always." Choose a Star Wars Quote. Creating a fantastical world with a classic sense of good and evil. A fearless warrior, you are fiercely loyal to your friends and your cause, but don’t suffer fools (or nerf herders). Remain in the shadows as an inquisitor or carve your path to the top and become Master of All Sith. ADVERTISEMENT. by CynicaShif. Sort of. As 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' hits theaters, find out which 'Star Wars' character you truly are, based on a scientific personality quiz Are you Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? You lead by example, showing bravery and compassion like few others. Not at all. You are a ruthless leader and brilliant military mind, who will stop at nothing to get what you want. Special Feature. If you had it your way, you’d spend your days in a cave meditating, but when others need your help, you’ll always do what’s right. Arc Trooper. Congratulations — you… Submit Answers. "I Am No Jedi." But on which planet? 46 Shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Add to Favorites.Remove from Favorites. Yoda. the ones that say the weak serve the strong....and have no intention on serving anyone. Like the legendary Jedi, you are strong and capable but prefer to keep to yourself. Incorrect. Their home plant has a very light atmosphere, so on other planets they must wear a … Take this quiz, and we’ll tell you! "As long as there's light we have a chance." NEXT QUESTION BELOW. Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. Now that you’ve tested your knowledge of Star Wars weapons, find out which Star Wars commander you are! No Jedi mind tricks, just a quiz! Woo Ni Tu. "Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son." Answer Image Moonraker. which star wars girl would be you girlfriend? Which Classic "Star Wars" Character Are You? Not really. Have you ever bulls-eyed a womp rat? I'm not fancy; just give me what I need to get by, I'll stay inside, where the AC and snacks are. Neither; what's the big deal about rain, anyways? In the other, Starfleet and Vulcans. What color lightsaber are you? Image by Giphy. Add to library 96 » Discussion 210 » Follow author » Share . You prefer to blend into the background, yet still sometimes find yourself in the spotlight because of your leadership skills. You’re famous for your honesty and bravery, and are very, very wary of traps. a quiz to see what star wars girl is your soul mate for life is it padme leia or rey. I've felt it." 3. are you nice sweet a caring? Correct. Which Character From Star Wars Are You. A fearless warrior, you are fiercely loyal to your friends and your cause, but don’t suffer fools (or nerf herders). Quiz topic: Which Star Wars character is my crush? Send an E-mail. But to do that, you… Absolutely. You're quick to learn, which will come in handy professionally. You are a legendary Jedi Master, and a great field general. Take this quiz and we’ll match your personality with the perfect More >>, It’s the age-old debate: “Star Wars” vs. “Star Trek”. you are loyal and follow orders, even if it means your life. Ready? Fear and brute force will keep my enemies in line. Find out with this awesome quiz! Which "Star Wars" Character From The New Trilogy Are You? The diversity of the different professions and races has people wanting to sign on and join in. A short time ago, in a theater not too far, far away from your house, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opened to record numbers at the box office. BuzzFeed Staff. Do not be alarmed, I know that you are not from this world and I'm here to help you find out where you belong here. SheIsGeneralHux. But is that what you REALLY are? Absolutely. How Well Do You Know Star Wars: Episode IV. May the Force be with you! Han Solo. Welcome to the ‘star’ of all the tests. Creating vast worlds with wildly different personalities and stories. You are a hate-filled, terrifying menace, and look to crush the Rebellion in service of your Emperor. Hopefully not Darth Vader. Generally speaking, which political persuasion do you lean toward? badass worriers. Created by Jack ONeil On Feb 25, 2019 Not at all. You’re a natural leader, creative on the battlefield, and perfect for the Rebellion. Movies Personality Star Wars Report. You focus on: Having big, awesome fight scenes. But for this quiz, I came out as a Rebel. Which team are you on? Advice: Be patient with your parents, and everyone else for that matter. "There is good in him. Quit whining. Inspired by here. Sort of. As a leader of the Separatists, you’re manipulative and cunning. uhhhh.....????? Kel Dorian. You're given full control of the next "Star Wars" film. Absolutely. Take this personality assessment test that measures how you perceive the world and make decisions, and find which Star Wars character and personality type you match up with! Now you can show your friends that you really are a great Jedi Master. 1. Arc Trooper. Are you a spiritual person? You might already know, but the quiz is what counts! We're Testing! by Justin Carissimo.
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