Early years provision. Compare details of schools closest to where you live. We continually collate, cross reference and cleanse data from a large array of sources, including: A lot of schools have or are currently converting to academies. find good schools near you. Distances are calculated by road from the address you provide to the nearest accessible secondary school gate. Characteristics. Search for schools. Buckinghamshire School Catchment Areas (3 Posts) Add message | Report. Catchment areas are based on your child’s permanent address. Our school catchment area map provides the latest catchment data (where available) for London, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire schools. Buckinghamshire County Council has been working with local Buckinghamshire non-selective secondary schools to extend their catchment areas to cover Burnham Park E-Act Academy’s catchment area from September 2020. But this may be academic (pardon the pun) if the address which Bucks will consider for the applicant is too far from any grammar school for the application to be successful. Even if you are not sure if a school might be right for your child, it is helpful to learn more about the school. School directory Find a school. Whereas most other school guides update their data only once or twice a year, or use secondary sources of data that are not themselves accurate. School Catchment Areas School Guide is home of the original catchment heat maps that show you exactly where you need to live to get into a school. Faith. Ofsted. If you live outside of Buckinghamshire you still can apply for any school through your local authority. For some schools, the heat map may be a useful indicator of the catchment area but our heat maps are not the same as catchment area maps. All applicants offered under rule 2 (Free School Meals), rule 3 (Pupil Premium), rule 4 (siblings), rule 5 (catchment) and some allocated under rule 6 (distance) to 10.86 miles. Whether you’re moving into a new area or your family is starting to grow, you’ll need to think about school catchment areas. Our partnership with Zoopla allows us to display all properties currently listed for sale or rent on Zoopla, taken directly from their database. key stage 2, GCSE and A-Level (or equivalent). Places available in year 7 — 180. Just posting a link to a map of Buckinghamshire school catchment areas, which is zoomable and clickable so you can see a bit more than you can using the ones on the council website. Overall effectiveness. Our primary and secondary school league tables and school rankings are calculated by comparing the performance of pupils in the key school phases, i.e. School Prospectus; Admissions; Prospective Parents; Catchment Area; School Closure Procedures; Lunchtime And After School Clubs ; Before And After School Childcare; Policies; Community Information; School … Hence, we display inspection and performance data from the old school with the new academy. We save your shortlists for you, so they are retained between browsing sessions. Cost — Free. All timely applicants offered under Rule 3{4} (catchment {siblings}), Rule 3 (catchment), Rule 4 (siblings) and some applicants offered under Rule 6 (distance) to a distance of 0.528 miles There are three main ways to check a catchment area for a school: Use our catchment maps to check current admission trends and likelihood of admission. schools A-Z | find all schools near me | find primary schools near me | find secondary schools near me Click here to link to Buckinghamshire County Counil's Catchment Checker School data. www.learning.brookmead.bucks.sch.uk: School type: Primary (Combined) Ofsted Report: Good: Before and after school provision : Breakfast club from 7.35am and after school club until 6pm: Select catchment area: Junior; Infant; View school on full map. However exam results and inspection reports from the old school are still relevant, at least until the new academy has results and inspections of its own. Buckinghamshire Council Catchment Checker. Click here for Buckinghamshire County Council's admissions website for further information . Headteacher — Mrs Sharon Cromie. Living in catchment one year does not guarantee admission to a school in future years. Much better than other sites I’ve tried. One of the best features of Locrating is that our interactive map is just so user friendly. Lostock The admission rules for each school show the priority given to catchment children when we look to see who can be offered a place. The Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools is a company limited … Catchment areas can and do change. We use cookies to collect information about how you use the Buckinghamshire Council website. You can add our schools map to your own website using our schools plugin, Ground Floor Catchment Area Map 2022 . Catchment area maps, published by the school or local authority, are based on geographical admissions criteria and show actual cut-off distances and pre-defined catchment areas for a single admission year. Company Registration Number: 7236786. Parent View. Schools and properties are shown in a clean, easy to understand fashion on a map that you can easily move around; school icons tell you at a glance the type of school and its Ofsted rating. We use this information to improve the website and our services. Simply enter your postcode to get the lowdown in your hood. We continually compare ourselves with other providers (big and small) and believe that we are offering by far the most superior data. This is a new website - your feedback will help us to improve it. Schools have open events to give you the chance to look around and learn more about them. You can then compare your shortlisted items side by side, share your shortlists with friends and/or save them for use later. They’re also subject to change, so the best thing to do is look up the schools in your area and contact them directly. Parent's view of the school. By analysing where previous intakes of pupils currently live, we are able to provide catchment area indicators around schools in England. Please find details of the application process and the admission rules for our school on the Buckinghamshire Council website at: Buckinghamshire Council Application Process. Schools are being continually inspected throughout the year. You can easily browse photos, floorplans, descriptions and price changes, arrange viewings, contact the agent and even create your own shortlist of properties for side by side comparison, viewing at a later date or sharing with friends. Criteria for entry (Reception), September 2020. Gender. About the School. Always check with the school's own admissions authority for the current admissions criteria. controversialflapjack Fri 22-Sep-17 10:01:12. Characteristics. We pride ourselves on the accuracy of our data, which is down to our fastidious data processing. Admissions to Foundation Stage (Reception) In the few months … Lynstock Way Loads of information, easy to use and for the best value. If you are a member, you can access dedicated support via our members' helpdesk which operates 7 days a week. Places available in year 7 — 192. Home; Schools and learning; Schools; School admissions. Lovingly built in the UK | privacy policy | terms of use Ofsted inspection report. The Buckinghamshire Council website contains a postcode checker and map of our catchment area. Make an application Once you know what schools you want to apply for you can begin your application. Admissions criteria may include, but is not exclusive to: siblings, faith, ability, distance from school, SEN. to obtain a re-usable URL that contains your shortlists. Use our school finder, catchment checker and distance calculator to get to grips with school admissions for state primary and secondary schools. Students must complete the Secondary Transfer Test to be accepted into our school. Our admission number for Reception class is 30. The Secondary Transfer Test is administered by Buckinghamshire Council on behalf of all the Buckinghamshire grammar schools. Check for free school transport See whether you qualify for free transport to secondary school and the route we use to calculate the distance. You will either need to apply directly to the school or to the council. You can contact us easily 24-7 via email or our dedicated members' helpdesk. Cost — Free. You can also click in the link box under our map Bolton, BL6 4SG Our Admissions Policy for 2021 can be found here. Department for Education. Absolutely brilliant! A great feature if you want to compare schools and Pupils in school — 1291. We refresh our data every two to four weeks directly from the source, to ensure you are equipped with the very latest, most relevant information and inspection reports. Select catchment area: Junior; Infant ; View school on full map. All applicants offered under Rule 4 (Child of staff member), Rule 5 {6} (catchment{sibling}), Rule 5 (catchment), Rule 6 (siblings) and some offered under Rule 8 (distance) to a distance of 0.743 miles Grammar schools accept students based on the results of the ‘Transfer Test’ (formerly known as the 11+). Gender. To see catchment maps and check postcodes visit the admissions page in the schools section of Buckinghamshire Council's website. Grammar schools are state schools. 4 - 11. You can quickly and easily create your own school and property shortlists; by clicking the heart icon at the top of a pop-up window. It really couldn't be any easier. Age range. Average applicants per place — Unknown but only around 30% of applicants pass the exam. 4 - 11. You can also view local league tables when using our map by clicking on the 'list of schools' tab and sorting by one of the many options; such as key stage 2, GCSE or A-Level results. Even if you are not sure if a school might be right for your child, it is helpful to learn more about the school and, if possible, visit it … The first priority for admission are (usually) siblings of children currently in the school and living in catchment (In-Area Siblings – IAS). Have a quick read of our map FAQs before using it. data logging exercises to check chemical reactions of metals and acids (including the use of probes to measure temperature changes) using smart paint to observe thermochromic, photochromic and flourescent changes. Yes. For admission purposes, the following schools have a priority area within their catchment area: John Hampden Grammar School; Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School ; Wycombe High School; To check if your child’s normal home address is in a Priority Area using the button below: Priority school checker. Parents. AdmissionsDay. Age range. Each school will define “sibling” in their Admissions Policy – some will be siblings of pupils in Years 7 – 11, others may include Years 12 & 13, and a few schools also give priority to siblings of former pupils. Locrating is a highly trusted brand and amongst others, has been recommended in articles by: The most popular and trusted Unit B Lostock Office Park The in-year application checker will let you know who you need to apply to. Pupils in school — 1308 . Type of school — Girls’ grammar school . Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8PE, Outstanding (last inspected 29 February 2016). The current status of schools in Buckinghamshire. Essential things to know when applying for a place at an oversubscribed school. Type of school — Girls’ grammar school. catchment areas and even breaking down the data to show only certain year groups. The Buckinghamshire UTC is included in the results of this checker. How it works; Blog; About; Estate agents; Login; Sign up; Take the guesswork out of school admissions with our catchment area checker. by location; by name.
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