Indian Parents Never Name Their Children These Mythological Names. You are not very sociable person, in moments- eccentric. You had no materialistic desires and cherished the family life you had. Let's find out now by taking this quiz! You were either an artist or a writer. In present life too, you often feel restless and always want to move on from the current situation. For example: If your name is Pankhudi Sharma, add the vowels by the assigned number in your name.Add the numbers A+U+I+A+A = 1+3+9+1+1 = 15.Further, reduce it to one digit as 1+5=6. Find out who you used to be in a past life by taking our fun quiz! It can also be referred to as "Spiritual Instagram with a touch of Quora". You had a supernatural connection in your previous life. 6. Past Life Regression - Who were you in a past life. I kno i was a dainasor thet wor shoos in the past! 4cff24f-who-were-you-in-your-past-life. 2,430 points. This quiz below might be accurate about who you were, not exactly your name or anything, just what you did and how you died. You were seductive, romantic, strong, determined, and a true lover of the arts. Sad to know but it is possible that you have been a hermit – deaf and dumb. You were either an artist or a writer. To make things easier let’s go for the non-hypnotic technique. You were a 'Great Orator' in your past life. Maybe you were conspired to death because of your fame. The first step is to find your Life Path number. Don't Ask Me How, But This Quiz Will Seriously Reveal Who You Were In A Past Life. You had no materialistic desires and cherished the family life you had. There are many ways to find it out, mainly categorized as hypnotic and non-hypnotic techniques. This is a lighter non-invasive, non-hypnotic technique to look into your soul and discover who you were in the past life. Your memories reveal that you were a powerful and enchanting queen in your past life! Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, it's fun to wonder who we might have been in a previous life. You had a twin in your previous life! For example: October 16, 1955 would be entered as - Day:16 Month:10 Year:55 This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. 4cff24f Who Were You In Your Past Life? Do you like gold? Maybe you were a pirate in your past life. You were a renowned public figure known for your sacrifices and life-changing advises. Seven is a spiritual number and hence you were more inclined towards the deeper values of life. This is a fun quiz, so don’t get too serious! So, you want to know who you were in a past life? You may have also been into professions like a cook, gardener, or interior designer. Your craving for love can be visible in this life. A=1; E=5; I=9; O=6; U=3. Aristotle was the student of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great. Do you prefer staying away from giving religious advises to people now? Based on your memories in this lifetime, we can find out what you were in your past lives! You had a lot of wealth in your previous birth. Your advices and decisions were considered to be final. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. -» Your past life 10 Questions - Developed by: Sadie McCarley - Developed on: 2018-04-01 - 20,772 taken - User Rating: 2.9 of 5 - 8 votes - 19 people like it Don't believe in past lives? In love your actions comes first from your mind and logic and than from your heart. Sitting and chilling. It may surprise you a lot. You loved entertaining people and may have also been into an circus or as a comedian. In the West, Practitioners use past life regression techniques such as hypnosis and subtle suggestion to promote past-life memories in their patients. Most people have no recollection of who they were in the past. This quiz is about finding your inner soul. It’s possible you may meet your old soulmate in this life. MALE. My Past Life analysis: You may wonder - "Who the Heck was I in my past life and what the heck did I do?Find your prediction for your future and 2016 based on making up for your past life (implied -- to deserve this) It's free to discover what you were in the past and what it means for this year. Is your dancing style mate-worthy, or escape-worthy? Who were you in a past life? Your wait is over since we have come up with a numeric calculation which will let you know about your past life. Your life was quite simple and confined. From 22 to 31 of January, from 8 to 22 of September You’ve been a Traveling Artist in your past life We are India based Vernacular Spiritual Social tech startup which aims to build a Single online platform for Spiritually, Intellectually & Socially connected souls. by leiaorganaismywife. Some people claim they know, or can feel or sense, their past life identities in their present lives. Probably you had a very negative experience in the same. This is just More >>, Are you excessively prone to feelings of sadness.. or even happiness? Based on your memories in this life, we can discover what you were in the past. He ran a school called The Lyceum. Fear no more; our magic crystal ball is ready for you and all your questions about one of your previous lives! Interested in your Present Life: Get your free Horoscope Report. Who Were You In Your Past Life? You are good at navigating new places and you are very loyal to your family and friends. To find out your ascendant sign you will need your exact birth time. Enjoy the fight. Started in the year-end of 2016, Ryan has evolved tremendously. Are you male or female? In this life you know very good what you want and how to achieve it. Roast chicken with fried potatoes and onions, Wait outside and jump him with your friends, Mercilessly spear him with your rapier-sharp wit, Not sure.. but a wizard would probably be a big help. We require your birth date for this.For example: My birth date is 4-September-1992.Add the numbers (0+4)+(9)+(1+9+9+2) = 34.Now reduce this number down to a single digit 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. Who might you have been in a past life? Begin Quiz Ever wonder who you were? Basically, money played the most important role in your life; and in the present life too, you run after money, and are more practical than emotional. Susan Johnson. This quiz below might be accurate about who you were, not exactly your name or anything, just what you did and how you died. Past life quiz You have been a psychic/astrologer, numerologist or supernatural researcher. You are a quiet soul who enjoys reading and writing above all else. Some studies highlighted that memories from your past lives are also stored in the subconscious mind in the form of impressions. Then it seems you were exiled in your previous life. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. You probably lived in a war zone, and often suffered from sudden unwanted situations. It is also possible that you had acting as your profession. I don't party. Or the root of all evil? (Please don’t take this seriously!). The ascendant (or rising sign) is a symbol of your personality, appearance, and who you are in this life. You get this number by adding the vowels in your name. You were a soldier in a past life! Proceed Down Your … They say they have memories of events, people and places associated with who they used to be. But hey, it isn’t that simple. Who Were You In Your Past Life? Basically, you have spent a major portion of your life in a confined and isolated area. You may have also been into politics or some influential role like a Police officer.Do you feel lonely? This number depicts a very interesting, unique and adventurous life. You had a routined life with involvement of intense meditation and spirituality. You were a respectful person and used to manage many people. Try and keep the peace. START. Get this by adding Life Path Number and Inner Need Number.7+6=13Reduce down it to a single digit again 1+3 = 4Hence, #4 is your Past Life Number! parts: 21 Questions. You will be using it each time you seek a past life. Most of you may have been into the army. By answering these questions, you'll find out what famous person you were in a past life! WOMEN.COM | Quiz Facts. To end this nearly pointless guessing game we have put together this fun reincarnation quiz to determine how exactly you died in your past life. A Buddhist Monk. 743f6084ab48652bda1b. Here you go…. i'm psychic now. This calculator gives generalized information and not specific to any individual. If you are unhappy, you need to practice unconditional love and forgiveness in this lifetime. We have a surprise for you! Gemini: A Celebrity As the biggest social butterfly of the zodiac and someone who is liked by many without doing anything in particular, you were most certainly involved in the show business. Did you have a strong name that represents independence and willpower, or was your … Create … Life was full of hard days. Fun. You have acquired the traits of previous birth and hence may be a bit quite and down to earth in this life. FEMALE. Past Life Regression If a person had a lifetime filled with love, peacefulness, and kindness, that soul’s energy field would be very high and would reincarnate into a life that reflected it. You have a strength about you, it's as if you've been through many battles. People who appear regularly in your dreams may have had a special relationship with you in another life. Want To Know Your Mysterious Past Life? Past Life Regression - Who were you in a past life. What creature is hiding within you? who were you in a past life? In Rigveda, numerous references are made to transmigration, re-birth (punar janma), and re-death (punar mroityu). You were more towards the religious side. Pick the card you're most drawn to, to find out who you were in your past life! Run for my life. You spend a lot of your time thinking about religion, philosophy and how to make the world a better place. In your past life, you were the Greek philosopher, scientist, and educator Aristotle! It is also possible that you were a traveler, voyager or a humanitarian. Imagine this hallway with the expectation that when you get to the end, when you reach the big door and turn the knob, you will discover a past life. Take this quiz to see how well More >>, Money: the thing that makes the world go round? Too drunk to remember. A Greek Philosopher. A Buddhist Monk. Ready to challenge yourself? Were you a fairy, a vampire, an alien, a mermaid or a normal human being? Your life was quite simple and confined. Just like your past-self, you are likely to influence others around you. 10. Construct it in your mind, but be sure to remember it. This calculator is developed based on Indian Nadi Astrology and gives you an overview of sins committed by you in your past birth. Being at sea ; Putting on a play ; … Past life in early Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. But take the result with humor! There are many ways to find it out, mainly categorized as hypnotic and non-hypnotic techniques. You were admired by your kingdom and relentlessly pursued by the all the men (and even the ladies!) Based on your memories in this life, we can discover what you were in a past life! Your life was never pleasant and fear always engraved you. You happened to be an emotional person with huge importance to relationships. If a soul’s life was filled with malice and suffering, it would reincarnate into difficult circumstances that could help the person come into self-awareness and ultimately, heal and choose kindness again. The real question is, what were you called in your past life? 11 to 31 March | 18 to 29 October | 19 to 31 December. Number 4 Likewise, nightmares may be reflections of past-life traumas that have clung to our spirits and haunt our sleep. Let’s find the number which represents your past life, from that we will draw further inferences. Time to find out how much of it you’re going to have! Take the quiz to find out how More >>, If you want to know who you were in a past life but you don’t want to sit through tedious and expensive past-life regression hypnosis, then we’ve got the perfect quiz for you! They use a series of questions designed to bring forth memories about the person’s past life … You had a creative profession in your past life. Maybe you were a money-lender who was fond of gold biscuits. Other professions like a jail keeper or masters are also possible. 10/13. Yes, everyone does! This quiz is just for fun. Every one of us was born previously and going to born again. Or do you have any abdominal problems? Omaigod thenkiuuu so matchhh. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. May 03, 2017. share to facebook . pls don't start discourse over this quiz, i'm begging. Enter your email address and name below to be the first to know. In your past life, you were a very 'Wise Person'. Dreams of mundane or ordinary life activities may suggest a specific locale you inhabited during a past life. Next, we will calculate your Inner Need Number. If a soul’s life was filled with malice and suffering, it would reincarnate into difficult circumstances that could help the person come into self-awareness and ultimately, heal and choose kindness again. Hypnotism to an extent to make your memories refreshed about your past is a more accurate way to answer your questions. Many people believe that they have lived several different past lives, with some believing that they once lived as an object, plant or an animal. Your eye for aesthetics strongly suggests that you've been some kind of an artist in your past life that inspired people with your masterpieces. Even people who were not raised in a religion that taught about reincarnation have had experiences in which they could recall past life events. "With 20 years of ongoing experience, in the field of Astrology". You were either a wealthy Business man or a land owner ( may be property dealer). Are you cringeworthy in the disco, or a future cast member of Dancing with the Stars? You were either a King/Queen or were a leader. Well, Now let’s come to the numbers and their respective characteristics. I am sure you must have also thought about it! You have entered an incorrect email address! Want to be notified when our article is published? KNOW YOUR PAST LIFE . To help you find out, we scraped tens of thousands of people from Wikipedia and built the Reincarnation Machine. Which of these memories do you often think of? Have you ever wondered who you were in your previous birth? But hypnosis is too expensive? With our inbuilt technical stack which lets the user locate holy places, discover ancient rituals and festivals and gives the user the flexibility to share their thoughts, expressions, and knowledge via social posting in various meaningful categories. You probably belonged to a royal family. The number five relates to intense action and turmoil. Rather than going to a past life regression therapist (and paying hundreds of dollars for a hypnotic regression), you can now download Past Life Regression and explore your past life memories in the comfort and privacy of your own home. To know the answer - just type in the DAY, MONTH, and YEAR you were born in PRESENT life. i tried it twice, the first time, it didnt work bc i did it wrong, second, i was number 3, Oh mai gush dis is riiil!!!! In this lifetime, you may feel as if there is something or someone missing from your life. Check Who You Were In... 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Therefore, we have designed a past life quiz that reveals who you were in the past based on what is all there in your subconscious mind. Join the "Spiritual Social Network" now through our web platform or our android mobile application. Astralware's Past Life Regression offers a unique way to learn more about your past life possibilities. Community Contributor. Well! Or do the words practical, tough, and cynical sound more like you? What were you in your past life? If a person had a lifetime filled with love, peacefulness, and kindness, that soul’s energy field would be very high and would reincarnate into a life that reflected it. Click to find out now. Our memories reveal a great deal about our true nature. Just take your time and answer the following fun questions truthfully and find out! find out whether you were cool or not in your past life. You had a creative profession in your past life. The life of the party. We need your name for this. You may have also been into professions like a cook, gardener, or interior designer. This is eerily correct. of your realm. You have a high morale and respect yourself and others highly. Answer these simple questions to find out what famous person you were in a past life. Your previous life had a very disturbing love life and that also may be the reason for your death.