NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation that decides how to spend the NHS budget on the majority of health services for 270,000 people registered with a GP in Salford, Greater Manchester. CCG Assistant Director of Commissioning. Tom has worked as a GP in Salford since 1997 and currently practices at St Andrews Medical Centre in Eccles. Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW. Patients and NHS staff should not use this email address as a referral pathway for patients or send any patient identifiable data. Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Operational Plan 2017/18 2018/19 Page 2 The attached Operational Plan is intended to reflect the Trustâs business plan over the next two years. Salford is a city within Greater Manchester and made up of eight neighbourhoods: Salford is a growing city. Tom has been the Clinical Chair of Salford CCG since 2016. Reference was made to a request made by the CCG to SPCT, to present their revised 4.1.2 HS advised that as well as stepping down as Chair of Salford CCG, he is also stepping down as Chair of the Association of Greater Manchester CCGâs Governing Group (AGG). He has undertaken a number of roles within provider Trusts, Health Authority, and within primary and community care. As a CCG, we work hard to understand what is happening in Salford’s communities in order to commission the right services for the public. for Salford CCG to become the statutory commissioning organisation in Salford. Patients and NHS staff should not use this email address as a referral pathway for patients or send any patient identifiable data. Tom is Co-chair of GM Health and Care Commissioning and is leading the work to successfully integrate commissioning of health and social care across GM between local authorities and CCGs. Established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 as a statutory body, every GP from the city’s 45 practices is a 'Member' of Salford CCG. Join to Connect Salford CCG. NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation that decides how to spend the NHS budget on the majority of health services for 270,000 people registered with a GP in Salford, Greater Manchester. She has undertaken senior roles in both provider and commissioning organisations throughout the NHS and is also the Governing Body Nurse for NHS Salford CCG. Every GP in Salford is a member of Salford CCG. E-mail salccg.involve@nhs.net. HS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group: Assisted Conception Policy . People across Salford will experience health on a parallel with the current ‘best’ in Greater Manchester, and the gaps between communities will be narrower than they have ever been before.”. Our Constitution describes the functions, duties and powers of the CCG and the organisation’s governance arrangements including providing details of the members of the CCG, the associated committees and sub-committees of the Group, and outlines the accountabilities of individual members and executive officers in the organisation. Although there are diverse levels of affluence within the city, Salford is ranked as one of the most deprived local authority areas in England with life expectancy lower than the England average. The LMC is a democratic organisation. This includes the care and treatment you receive in hospital, maternity services, community and mental health services. Salford CCG is a gold accredited carbon literate organisation. NHS Salford CCG Operational Plan 2017-19 8 CCG Priorities 2017-19 Commission in line with the Service & Financial Plan for the pooled budget for adult health and social care services, Manage a series of âtest caseâ health and social care pilots for 0-25 year olds, We work in partnership with health and social care partners (e.g. Salford CCG. Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS set out a radical agenda for changing the structure of the NHS in England, placing GPs at the heart of clinical and budgetary decision-making. Two specific Innovation Challenges will look to fund the testing and development of innovative new solutions to âwicked problemsâ in the system. 2.5K likes. NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation that decides how to spend the NHS budget on the majority of health services for 270,000 people registered with a GP in Salford. Launched from April 2016, the aim is to make it easier to see a GP and for everyone in Salford to get the same level of service and care whichever GP practice they go to. Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW. In mid-2016, the council transferred its 450 social care staff to Salford Royal to undertake assessments and ⦠Hannah is the lead for strategic and business planning, organisational performance, Governing Body and governance matters, communications and engagement and a range of corporate office and administrative functions. Steve started his NHS career in 1995 at a large teaching hospital in Tyne and Wear. Legal â NHS Stockport CCG buys in legal advice. People in Salford will get the best start in life, will go on to have a fulfilling and productive adulthood, will be able to manage their health well into their older age and die in a dignified manner in a setting of their choosing. Prior to that he was our Mental Health Lead and Neighbourhood Lead for Eccles and Irlam. In same sex (female) couples it will be the CCG with whom the patient wishing to carry the pregnancy is registered. Band 8c (£63,751 - £73,664) Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is continuously striving to excel in improving the health and well-being of people across Salford City, working with GPs and health and care professionals at the ⦠Francine is responsible for leading on improving the quality of commissioned services, supporting quality improvement in primary medical services and promoting innovation. E-mail salccg.involve@nhs.net. It's the organisation that plans how to spend the NHS budget on the majority of health services for Salford (1) In April 2013, the NHS went through the biggest changes to its structure during its 65-year history. Over-the-counter medicines: changes to prescribing, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, Integrated Commissioning Governance Structure, Children's Commissioning Commitee Terms of Reference, Adults' Commissioning Commitee Terms of Reference, Health and Care Commissioning Board Terms of Reference (HCCB), Arrangements for the Admission and Removal of Member Practices, Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities. The Salford Standard describes the level of care you should expect when you go to a GP practice in Salford. Patients and NHS staff should not use this email address as a referral pathway for patients or send any patient identifiable data. Patients and NHS staff should not use this email address as a referral pathway for patients or send any patient identifiable data. Salford CCG has now taken control of the majority of Salford's NHS budget and it is Salford CCG's job to make the decisions on how this money should be spent in order to provide the best possible levels of healthcare for the people of Salford. Over-the-counter medicines: changes to prescribing, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership. This means more people need more help and support to stay well. Members are elected for a 3 year term of office and all GPs in our areas are invited to stand and to vote. CCG FOI 705 â Structure/Organisation Charts for Legal & Risk. Establishment of a Group Governance Structure As a result we have been able to create fully integrated budgets with the CCG across Adults, Children and Primary Care from April 2019, building on a long history of integration within adult services. ⢠Patientâs should be referred to the local weight management pathways in the first instance. Salford CCG. Salford CCG, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5AW. NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group, Salford, United Kingdom. Steve has worked in Salford for the past 19 years, 15 of which he has lived in the city. Senior Service Improvement Manager Urgent Emergency Care at Salford CCG Chester, United Kingdom 201 connections. The awards were to recognise best practice in innovation amongst projects they have supported over recent years, through grants administered by Salford CVS. HS added that a new proposed structure for the AGG is currently being discussed as well as new leadership andmembership arrangements. Salford CCG is an 'outstanding' organisation! There are 3 committees in total comprising of an Executive Committee, a Salford Subcommittee and a Trafford Subcommittee. act on behalf of the CCG Executive Leads in all matters relating to safeguarding and are accountable to Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Directors of Nursing (DoNs) and the Quality Board (see governance structure image 1). Yet Salford is a city of contrasts. This role involves operating across all 10 local authorities and with the GM Health and Social Care Partnership senior leadership team. (Salford Primary Care Together, Salford CCG) Paul has lived in Salford since 2005 and been working as a GP at the Lowry Medical Practice since 2009. We cannot, therefore, provide a structure showing that. Dr Tom Tasker, Chair of Salford CCG, was on hand to present the awards to: Under the new arrangements, the city council and CCG contract direct with Salford Royal to deliver a range of adult health and care services. NHS Salford CCG has amended this for its own circumstances as appropriate. Every GP in Salford is a member of Salford CCG. Steve has a strong background in developing successful, strategic partnerships with health and social care organisations and believes in the power of wide-ranging engagement with our local communities to ensure we deliver high performing services. David joined Salford CCG as Chief Finance Officer in February 2020 where he has responsibility for the financial strategy, financial management and financial governance of the CCG. This includes the care and treatment you receive in hospital, maternity services,community and mental health services. SPCT (Salford Primary Care Together) and the CCG in SPCTâs monthly contract meetings with the CCG. We also have delegated responsibility for commissioning general practice services. Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW. Telephone 0161 779 8800. He joined Salford CCG when it was established in 2013 as Chief Finance Officer and more recently took on the role as Deputy Chief Accountable Officer in 2016. He added that there remains no agreement between the CCG, SPCT and Langworthy Medical Practice ) regarding(LMP the financial envelope required to deliver the pilot. Karen is the lead for commissioned services planning and redesign, performance and change management. Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW. Even within the city itself, people living in poorer areas live up to 14 years less than those in our richer neighbourhoods. Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW. As more people call Salford ‘home’, more of us are living longer and often with complicated health conditions. Every GP in Salford is a member of Salford CCG. Version: 2.1 (22 January 2019) ... female partnerâs CCG that is the responsible CCG. NHS Salford CCG is pleased to announce the launch of three new funding opportunities within the 2018-19 Innovation Fund, with a total of £300,000 available. In January 2020, he became Interim Chief Accountable Officer. Salford is a dynamic and innovative place to work and partnership working in the City is excellent. In 2018, he was appointed as Chair of the GM Association of CCGs. Version Effective Date Changes V1 Aug 2018 Standard model V1.1 Nov 2018 Amended by Head of Governance and Policy for NHS Salford CCG V1.2 Dec 2018 Reviewed by Director of Corporate Services and ⦠This includes the care and treatment you receive in hospital, maternity services, community and ⦠Hitachi, Salford Royal FT, Salford CCG, and NWEH partnership to target diabetes 13475_large-2.jpg Treating type 2 diabetes costs the NHS £8.8bn each year and despite being largely preventable its prevalence continues to increase. We’re also an ageing city. The review considers demand for these services, and the current contracting arrangements and service model, specifically considering quality and . 95 were here. Tom is firmly committed to improving the health outcomes of people in Salford and is determined to continually improve our engagement work with patients, public and member practices. Karen has line management responsibility for the service improvement, medicines management and continuing healthcare teams. The CCGâs vision is to improve the health of Stockport with more care that is closer to peopleâs homes, and by encouraging everyone to take personal responsibility for their health. Our vision is for Salford CCG to commission (buy) high quality services to enable our population to live longer, healthier lives, which aligns with the vision of the Salford Locality Plan: “Salford people will start, live and age well. Billions of pounds are being invested creating thousands of new jobs and homes. NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation that decides how the NHS budget is spent in Salford on providing the majority of health services. Phone: 0161 779 8800 Text Relay: 18001 0161 779 8800 Fax : 0161 212 4801 Email: For general enquiries - salccg.involve@nhs.net (please note: Emails are sent to a generic inbox within NHS Salford CCG that is accessed by a number of personnel and not checked daily. To do this, the vast majority of decisions about how we use the public’s money is made by those clinicians who are closest to the people they look after – GPs and their practice staff.