The consequences for people with learning disabilities entering into a forced marriage can be the same as for those without a learning disability but there can also be many additional consequences too and this can also affect the non-disabled spouse. The capacity of large numbers of people to make certain decisions about their life is affected on either a temporary or a permanent basis. The Act has its origins in the Recommendations of the Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability which are considered first. It explains the manner in which your mental capacity should be assessed to see whether you can make a particular decision at a particular time. Someone lacking capacity because of a disability or illness such as a learning disability, dementia or a mental health problem would be unable to do one or more of the following four things: We all make decisions, big and small, every day of our lives and most of us are able to make these decisions for ourselves, although we may seek information, advice or support for the more serious or complex ones. To find out more about the Act, see our information on the Mental Capacity Act. Mental Capacity Act (MCA) is a face-to-face training workshop (60-90 mins). Consequently, people with an intellectual disability who smoke are particularly vulnerable to the detrimental impact of smoking on their health, and on their financial and social wellbeing. they lack capacity. Khurrum is preparing to a residential care home for adults. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) provides a framework to empower and protect people who may lack capacity to make some decisions for themselves. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed reforms to the way the Mental Health Act applies to people with a learning disability and autistic people? Confusion, drowsiness or unconsciousness because of an illness or its treatment, People with learning disabilities (through the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities), People with serious mental health problems. • Professionals will have to take safeguarding action if a marriage is being planned or has taken place for someone who has a learning disability the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016 - Training Modules. Mental Capacity Act (NI) 2016 – Commencement for purposes of Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) - Table providing detail on training modules. 1713-44: Common Law drew distinction between learning disability and mental illness before the first statutory sources, which began with the Vagrancy Acts between 1713 and 1744. ... more, The legal framework provided by the Act is supported by Codes of Practice which provide practical information for how the Act works.....more, The legal framework provided by the Act is supported by a set of Forms that are to be used as required under the Act.....more, This section provides a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) in relation to the implementation of Phase 1 of the Mental Capacity Act......more, The Coronavirus Act 2020 and temporary Regulations … more. It applies to people aged 16 and over. David Thompson: The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is critical in England and Wales. This learning resource promotes best practice in the use of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and where appropriate the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (2009), particularly in the context of situations involving health related decisions. In the case of an individual with learning disabilities, it may be possible for them to acquire capacity which they never previously had. Essentially this means supporting adults to … 'Mental capacity' means being able to successfully make your own decisions. It protects people who are vulnerable and supports them to take as much control over their lives as possible. What is the Mental Capacity Act? Mental Capacity Act 2005: views and experiences of learning disability psychiatrists - Volume 33 Issue 6 - Indermeet Sawhney, Abir Mukhopadhyay, Chuda Karki. It helps make sure that people who may lack capacity to make decisions on their own get the support they need to make those decisions. We were a research partner on a major study of the Mental Capacity Act led by the Norah Fry Research Centre at the University of Bristol, also involving the University of Bradford.