Not particularly moody either. Another beam of light shining in the darkness…Thank you! I have a score of 63 By: quill91 on February 13, 2015 at 2:26 pm, Glad it was enlightening, Quill. Anyhow, my strongest planet is the moon! Makes sense. Not scared of trying new things or new ways of being at “home” with the world or reinventing myself. I knew one writer who had her stove taken out altogether and made room for a desk. moon sextile chiron = 4 By: SaraS on December 6, 2015 at 2:46 pm, Yes, Sara, that’s important enough that you should give it some bonus points, like maybe 5. Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on July 9, 2010 at 8:22 am. I am working on it. If you’re new to Skywriter, there are about 25 articles about Pluto here that might give you additional insights. Still pretty high for super airy me ^-^, By: Jes Wiegel on December 28, 2015 at 6:53 pm. well, how typical. My mom was betting on a boy to keep her husband – he divorced her when i was 2 – transiting mars conj natal chiron. As I’ve mentioned many, many times, when these test were first created for my correspondence course, I wound up having to do an Excel spread sheet for all the combinations and permutations. And I’ve had mother and grandmother issues since childhood which have translated into adulthood as being unwilling to trust women or make friends with them or work with them. A Cancer with an Aries Moon wouldn’t have much patience with either kids or cooking. But I need to state that I have never called in a scare of any kind to my high school reunion. Blue is by far the most common fluorescence color in diamonds when they … Succulents, cacti, croton, and a few other varieties may tolerate direct light. (Moon’s orbs: 10° for conjunctions, 8° for oppositions, 6° for trines.). For women, a weak Moon can wreak havoc on their hormones and affect their menstrual cycle and fertility as well. Due to all these reasons, it is important to know how a weak Sun can negatively impact our horoscope and our life and how one can reduce the adverse influence of the planet. It’s interesting. She insisted the Full Moon didn’t bother her at all, but as long as we roomed together, I suddenly found myself slamming doors and bursting into tears over nothing at the Full Moon. Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on February 12, 2017 at 12:57 am. It can also cause respiratory issues and be the cause of a regular cough and cold. moon semi-square nercury————————4, moon-venus-uranus grand trine——————-5 I guess I’m one of those blocked lunar types, with 5 planets in Libra square my Cancer moon. My score was 57 but if you factor in that I was born 12 hours before the full moon then the score would be 72 ( one fifth of the 360 degree wheel). house 7 cancer = 2 Navamsa will actually indicate about our Luck. My pisces moon is 20 hrs from eclipse, in the eighth house in pisces, and opposite a 5 planet virgo stellium, but the orb is from 19-10 degrees. Luna seemed determined to say, “detriment, my foot” and aspect “all of the things,” to use current Internet vernacular. You can add bonus points (5 or so) for anything important not covered on the test. Anyone else have that problem? 88! I guess my Virgo Moon just has far more aspects to the rest of my chart than I ever realized. The 4th house supposedly describes our senior years. Sometimes I will randomly wake up and have an intense urge to clean or do something. The list goes on and on. I scored 45 for being a lunar type and 46 for being a solar type, the kind of balance I have felt all along given my Sun and Stellium in Cancer in the 8th house, with strong Uranian and Plutonian influences. Even printed the passenger list. The tests are just to get a baseline of how stong the different planets in a chart are and for fun. 26-40 strong. I use to get stuck in the past and refuse to accept the present moment. *hugs*. There I did battle and took beatings for 4 years to protect the other girls. i’m a psychic sponge and need lots of time alone. I love cooking, decorating my home, family, all the cancerian things. Not bad, I guess. Moon is T-squared a stellium of planets with the AS being the Sq. So I do work out of my home & I do have a hard time deciding on what stuff to let go of…I love getting out of my home because i am here a lot. Don’t miss this if you’re a lunar type: sign up for a subscription, and get a FREE EBOOKLET for Skywriter Subscribers Only: Mothers, Daughters, and the Moon, a 50-page excerpt from The Moon in your Life. Also have a Scorpio Moon (8th House), Aries Sun (1st House), and Pisces Rising (1st House)…, By: lyricfatenote10 on September 2, 2010 at 6:57 pm. Those do quite stand out. Both my mom and sister are Cancers. I’ve always loved the moon. It’s nearly New Moon (migraine trigger for me & prodrome has already started) but I triple checked orbs. The Moon is also the apex of a Yod pattern, with Quincunxes from the Moon to Neptune in Libra in the Fifth and Sun in Leo in the Third. sun in the 3rd, so I like to travel but I prefer to go to a place and then camp out there, rather than doing the whole grand tour. For usual charts -the orbs are increased? So many of the pictures I drew as a child had starry, moon-lit skies. There were a few just loose trines (to ASC, Uranus, and a grand trine with Sun and ASC), I’m not counting, so I ended with 52 (otherwise would be 72). Ever. I AM a cancer, with a stellium in Cancer….my total Cancer score (not counting Mars, because no test) is 174; 58 on sun; 42 on Mercury. You are way off thread and verging on abusive of one another, so I’m deleting the further comments. By: Nik Granza on October 17, 2012 at 7:56 am. I am lunar…w/ an unexpected 52 points…I wasn’t considering this and, turns out,this helps me out immensely.,, A Survey for the Capricorn Stellium Generation. I prefer to have everyone over in my home for comfortable socializing. For people who have a good understanding of the importance of light to their harvest, this is clearly not the best choice. Okay my math scores were wrong. Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on December 11, 2015 at 6:39 am, Got a 90….. wops.. added 5 points because I think it’s a plus to have exalted Moon in Taurus, By: gemtau on December 8, 2015 at 4:06 am. The looks on their faces when I smile and say “thank you” is worth the world to me. But with the Saturn conjunction, it’s loving care without the smothering (I hope!). 50 points – way more lunar than I realized! Venus = 29 (lowest) Having any one of those features prominent will strengthen your lunar side. I only have my IC in Cancer but I am not surprised because my Moon is in Aqua-10th house. Whenever Sun is placed in the sign of Leo or Aries, it is most powerful. Sibyl, By: Sibyl Star on July 8, 2010 at 1:47 pm. I just checked out the eclipse post that you mentioned in a comment back to a reader. ____ BONUS: Sun or Moon in the 4th house, 10 points each. By: Cassandra Eve on January 1, 2016 at 6:01 am, Moon Opposite Mars = 6 I am deeply connected to the Goddess/ Divine Mother/ Earth Mother and feel like that is a big part of the strong lunar/ 4th house energy of my chart. I scored 54. But the down side is the fact that I hold grudges (sigh), and brood about real or imagined slights. XD, By: Parin Stormlaughter on July 9, 2010 at 9:41 am, LOL! The moon takes my emotion on a rollercoaster ride every month though. I’m a Sun Taurus, Sag Ascendant with a Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus in 5th House with Moon, Mercury and Venus in Aries. The Moon is responsible for keeping us motivated and interested in life and in living well. I otherwise have 3 planetary squares with the moon, strong trine with Jupiter, and also harmonious aspects with the sun and mars, both very tight. How Strong is your Neptune? Best regards to everybody , Moon square Sun-10 That includes a 1 degree quincunx to Chiron. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I am so wrapped up in lunar activities: the home, food, cooking, emotions, nurturing people etc., but didn’t score very high. Grudges are a Cancerian trait I used to be a whole lot worse about, but now I absolutely refuse to tolerate that in myself. LOL! ie, if more than one is really strong? It can cause a hindrance in any activity one may take for self-development, The ruby gemstone can help those suffering from a malefic Sun. is a new learning experience, and it is neverending! By: Donna Cunningham on July 22, 2014 at 1:57 pm. Speak respectfully with all elders and people in the position of authority. For other remedies, consult an experienced astrologer to get customized solutions based on the configuration of your horoscope. Moon Opp. Dear Donna, I am a Sag 4th house Sun, and after being a flight attendant for 8 years, I realized I’m really quite a homebody! >:), By: 123Pluto on July 21, 2014 at 6:15 pm. I never would have guessed that I have a strong moon… Please let me know, By: ananya on September 6, 2012 at 4:51 am. If I can count the conjunction to the Asc (Moon in 1st, 10° 5′ from Asc), then my score would be 77, which is on par of how Lunar I feel. So, folks, how did you do? But now I’m thinking I better start paying more attention to them. As I was reading the article and saw that it was Cancer-directed, I thought I’d score a 2 or something. Moon sextile pluto, By: Jimmy J on April 11, 2015 at 11:11 am, I got a Lunar score of 72. The moon is in perfect opposition to the Leo Mercury/ Pluto midpoint and here I would guess the fact that we were sent to Indian boarding school from 1st grade through 4th accounts for this separative aspect. Something (I find) interesting, is that when I was growing up, I ALWAYS wanted to be MR. SPOCK. By: Elizabeth on July 8, 2010 at 12:58 pm. I would love to change that about myself. The Sun, being our most powerful force, the center of our solar system, and Leo's ruler, gives you the confidence and stamina to take charge of your life as well … However, I did not count the fact my Moon (Taurus) is in my Midheaven (Aries). This make me scared. Yeah, I got a 74 on the Moon. Some people will get a glimpse of this through your emotions and fears. That’s what happened to the original tests, and a spread sheet for Excel had to be created to do them accurately, and lots of my correspondence course students dropped out when they got to that part of the course because the math was just too intimidating. only relationship t hat worked at ll was with a Sagitarius with cancer moon. In addition to my above comment, it also occurred to me that my 12th House, Balsamic Moon is also the Apex of a Yod and one arm of a Grand Cross! Wow, I got a 59 (includes 6 points for a square to Chiron). And for people to have some fun, not break their heads on math. She also sold stuff out of my room as part of her business, causing one of the biggest fights, subtopic, isn’t anything of mine actually mine? The Sun’s placement in our chart affects how we view ourselves and how the world views us and our contribution to society. The only aspect that I have is a moon quincunx mercury. Fasting on Mondays also helps strengthen the Moon and bring positive results. Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on July 8, 2010 at 3:28 pm. Follow a vegetarian diet and try to observe a fast on Sundays. Its placement in our horoscope impacts our nature and affects those aspects of our lives that the planet rules. o~0 I’m in the “equal pay for equal work” camp personally. All in good spirit! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I’m just back from vacation, so I’m a bit tardy taking the test. = 42 I must be working the Moon really deep. Seems like whatever happens to the Earth happens to me too. By: James on February 10, 2013 at 11:41 am, Thank you, Donna! My parents are foreigners, both coming from different countries from each other. Mom is represented very well by the T Square of the Moon in Pisces in the 10th House, opposite Mercury in Virgo in the 4th, both squaring Mars in Gemini in the Twelfth. Got a 43; not as high as some of you out there, but it makes me happy! 99 ! Moon conjunct Mercury, (using this though the orb is 4 deg not 3 deg), 26 – I’m more on the Spock side of things I guess. I have a Sag. These are true lunar types. What do you think? I am really shocked at how low my score is (19 pts), even though I am not very cancerian. It is my life’s work to integrate intuition and reason. I have 10th house chiron opposite Uranus/Mars conj in Cancer in the 4th…lots of fighting in my house growing up, and I rebelled alot. I think that Capricorn moon (and Cancer ruling my 12th?) My sister that has a 4th house Gemini Sun (with no afflictions!) I can estimate that I’ll score…9? Seeing all of the high scores, however, made me think that perhaps it’s instructive to see some non-lunar folks here! But, I also have Moon conjunct Pluto and Jupiter. It can adversely impact one’s relationship with his/her mother or be the cause of one losing their mother early in life. Holy guacamole, I got 85 if I did this right. If I looked more carefully at my chart, I could probably find a few of those smaller aspects. It gives us confidence, represents our personality, identity, health, physical strength, and determines how much respect we get. Thank you for replying. My moon is the last in a 4-planet stellium in Virgo, in av very tight conjunction to Pluto, Sun and Uranus. So intersting to hear all the feedback from other lunar types who have difficulty sleeping around a Full Moon – I always thought it was me. By: Iconoclaste on July 9, 2010 at 12:49 am. Hope you don;t mind my (silly) question. Hypersensitive, highly private, fiercely protective. I’m so “non-lunar”, I may be hugely lunar! It makes your personality a lot stronger in some ways and possibly even more defined. The moon is interesting since its dead and slowly disintegrating. It can keep one devoid of father’s love and affection either by way of the untimely death of the father or by way of the person not getting along with his/her father. MC conj. The Mercury test is already up online, of course. It’s a self-help technique that you can use any time emotions overwhelm you. I am also the most emotional person he knows. I look at it like a visit to the dentist/doctor once or twice a year – something I’ve got to do to keep the peace and keep my own personal growth going. I don’t feel lunar at all, makes sense. How The Sun And Moon Behave The Sun moves through all 12 signs in a year, although the Sun … What jobs do you lunar people have and enjoy? I got 31. 41 if I don’t count Moon trine Ascendant with an orb of 6 degrees 12 minutes; 56 if I do. The sheets are very helpful! These planets have a strong influence over you, and their qualities are reflected in who you are and how you do things. What about mutual reception (i.e. And found it very hard to let go of people–even the toxic ones–I was very attached to. Moon trine MC Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on July 8, 2010 at 1:27 pm. And before that I had started a decade worth of intense exploration of primal feelings, therapy and theater. Strongly. The popular series of tests for planetary strength here on Skywriter follow a particular pattern, with points scored and orbs specified for various features of the chart related to the planet in question. But I find that I actually fit in much better in CA (5 planets in Aq) and like it more that I ever could have dreamed. I scored a 62, but I never much related to the Cancerian types… Leaving me quite perplexed. Here is the chart for reference of readers (just in case). I also plan to move abroad in the future and I’m always attracted towards guys from different cultures (5H Sag i guess). Eat for comfort now but used to be seriously and dangerously anorexic when I was young and worked in NYC. The modes and polarities do not match, but it is within the allowable orb. If you know you tend to overwork when both the Sun and Moon are in an earth sign, you will create time to relax and not take the stress out on your family. Indirect light is when the sun’s rays are reflected off something else first before hit… However, I cannot decide if it’s a Grand Cross (5 pt) or two T-Squares (10 pt). Scored 81. 92 and fabulous!!! Either 80 or 72 (depending on if you count the aspects to chiron and north node). Fit. Or, calculate your birth chart and receive a free report, including the position of your Venus by sign and house, as well as other planets here: Free Astrology Reports. Tension between Sag. Her energy had agitated me. Each exposure has its own distinct temperament, and as with all strong personalities, it’s better to work with them than against. Hi, JARA. Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter all in the 4th ( aries ). I wonder if my Mars Rx in Cancer makes me not exhibit many watery characteristics? And as much as my mother and I fought while she was alive (um, the topic was “Who is boss?” rather predictable for Leo Mom and Aries me), I knew it was a love-fight, not a hate-fight. I’ve always been obsessed with the sinking of the Titanic. I don’t understand that, I would feel like a fake. I can’t find a quiz for the strength of our Sun, Venus and Mars. Bad or good I accepted my roots for what they are and I worked really hard at it. These two planets complement each other – one is the body and the other is the mind. Jupiter in 4th (EQUAL house) Enough questions, please. I have THAT going too. Fancy that!). Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on January 9, 2011 at 6:19 pm. Trumps my Saturn score (57) which was a bit of a surprise. Sun in Cancer 12th/ Moon in Leo 1st. Donna, By: Donna Cunningham on July 8, 2010 at 7:33 am. By: delphinium on July 8, 2010 at 12:48 pm. But I did add in Cancer on the IC for some bonus points, as that’s a doubling up of lunar energies. It was only after a chronic illness in my reproductive organs (lunar!) I had many fights with my parents when I was a child about eating meat until I gave in temporarily to become one after gaining financial independence. 6 pointers Scored a 45 (unless we include the sesquiquadrature between my North Node and Moon, an additional 2 points). you didn’t mention how important it is to have the ruler of the 4th house happen to be the moon. You wanted specifics on the minor aspects, so here they are: sextile Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron. (professor) and Cancer (hands-on healer)–not particularly successful at either. Moon. ____ Sun, Ascendant, or Midheaven in Cancer, 10 points each. Also, according to the astrology, the sun is located on a specific zodiac sign at all the times, thus it determines the personality traits of the people who are born under it. My first line of defense is to open up A Course in Miracles at random, and it always opens right up to a passage that just stops that nonsense cold. By: narina on January 18, 2015 at 12:24 pm. By: narina on January 18, 2015 at 11:41 pm. I think my personal identity has some lunar traits, but I don’t think my expression is very lunar at all. If your Moon’s sign and aspects are difficult, you may very well hate your Mom, call in a bomb scare to your high school reunion, and generally detest all things lunar. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I was thrilled to have finally racked up high points(38) on something only to find that others have more than 2x that almost 3x what I got. However, around my first Saturn return, I was able to discern where many of my better values and lunar attributes came from (gosh, the family! If your sun line starts from the heart line and ends at the base of ring finger, it indicates you have a strong interest in art. I got 65 points! Within the time, I started to be better friend with the Moon and it’s cycles. Reclaiming and reintegrating the moon has been important over the past few years and I’ve worked with some of the more difficult aspects …, But my south node is conjunct my moon (and MC) and north node in Cancer. Thanks again for giving such food for thought. By: grace on January 24, 2014 at 4:23 am. So is Full Moon and Moon in Aries. Vedic Rishi is an Astro-Tech company which aims to reorient the way people It makes sense I don’t at all “feel” like a Capricorn moon with the only exception being a certain “Stern-ness”. Thank you, Donna. Looks like the upcoming eclipse is at my north node (within half a degree), opposite my moon and MC and south node in capricorn. But they are still valid. Donna. I find the ego of a fire sign and the emotions of water influence makes for a difficult person haha. On some days of the year, however, the Sun sign changes. moon opposite mars Thanks for this beautiful quiz. Donnma, By: Donna Cunningham on July 9, 2010 at 11:41 am, Oh ha – and yes, I’m happiest when my anus is in my house. Cooking, nurturing, family life, nostalgia of the past etc. Ha-rumph!) By: earthy kathleen on September 17, 2013 at 9:11 am. . Book Your Consultation ! not surprising at all. By: tiberia386 on October 13, 2015 at 2:18 pm, The points for Mars conjunct the Midheaven take care of the opposition to the IC.