Add/modify/remove the background grid in a ggplot2 plot Source: R/themes.R. The following syntax shows how to delete all x-axis grid lines from our graphic using the theme function in combination with the panel.grid.major.x and panel.grid.minor.x arguments: To create a dotchart using ggplot2 in R, we can use geom_dotplot function but the default gridlines will be in the output. Value. Modify a single plot's theme using theme(); see theme_update() if you want modify the active theme, to affect all subsequent plots. But what do I have to do to contol the y axis major grid lines as well so they are not set automatically (for example in units of 10s, so lines and y unit labels at 10,20,30 etc)? This function provides a simple way to set the background grid in ggplot2. The minor grid lines (the ones between the major lines) are controlled with panel.grid.minor. Minor grid lines are always removed. A ggplot2 layer that can be added to an existing ggplot2 object. titles, labels, fonts, background, gridlines, and legends. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. Thank you for your help. Example 4: Remove Major & Minor Grid Lines on X-Axis of ggplot2 Plot. I want to get control of the major and minor gridlines. 8. By default, it seems that ggplot2 uses a minor grid that is just half of the major grid. How to control number of minor grid lines in ggplot2? Viewed 55k times 50. Remove Axis Labels & Ticks of ggplot2 Plot (R Example) Remove Legend Title from ggplot2 Plot in R; Remove Vertical or Horizontal Gridlines in ggplot2 Plot in R; Graphics Gallery in R; The R Programming Language . Themes can be used to give plots a consistent customized look. removeGridY is a shortcut for removeGrid(x = FALSE, y = TRUE). Details. Active 8 years, 5 months ago. However, it simplifies creation of the most commonly needed variations. background_grid.Rd. Themes are a powerful way to customize the non-data components of your plots: i.e. ggplot(dat1) + geom_line(aes(y = dat1[,2], x = dat1[,1])) However I want to do following with this plot 1. want to change format of dates for x-axis. To be more specific, the page contains the following information: Is there any way to to break this up? In the last quarter of last year, I started paying more attention to the use of custom grid lines and line guides in charts I’ve been developing for the Wrangling F1 Data With R book.. removeGrid removes the major grid lines from the x and/or y axis (both by default).. removeGridX is a shortcut for removeGrid(x = TRUE, y = FALSE). I tried major_breaks = seq(0 , 100, 10) but it did not work. It doesn't do anything that can't be done just the same with theme(). I want to plut labels in format "Jan-09", "Feb-09" etc 2. Remove Axis Labels & Ticks of ggplot2 Plot (R Programming Example) This tutorial illustrates how to delete axis labels and ticks of a ggplot2 plot in R. The article will consist of one examples for the removal of axis information. I am making a chart with ggplot and can control the y axis minor grid lines. For example, I want there will only be 3 major gridlines in places "="Jan The use of line guides was in part inspired by canopy views from within the cockpit of one of the planes that makes up the Red Arrows aerobatic display team.