Failure to adjust and use your crutches properly can result in increased aches and pains, decreased mobility, and possible further injury. Do you mean this is Cratchit's home? She’s probably got a job, and is probably underpaid. Why was it so cold in the clerk's office? Though only on the sidelines, Mrs. Cratchit looks after her family and takes care of all the household chores that Mr. Cratchit is not able to do because of work. Bob Cratchit is the same in many ways also. , encouraging readers to show compassion and charity to the poor. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. If the spirits had never visited Scrooge, what would his life have … The Cratchit Family Sample Cards: what are the cratchit family rich in, they were not a handsome family, tiny tim upon 13 Cards Preview Flashcards Scrooge. In this introduction to the text, we get a few words from Dickens himself: “I have endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. GP3: Can comment on the role of the Cratchit family with some evidence to support ideas. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. Belinda is the second oldest child and is aged about fifteen. What is the purpose of Marley's visit? This is evidenced at the Cratchit’s dinner where nobody remarked that it was ‘a small pudding for a large family’. Though they are poor, they are rich in love, devotion and affection for one another. This emphasises the atmosphere in the house, it shows that they really loved hi. 5. I mean, the very name of course is wonderful, the combination of “screw” and “gouge”, and the contrast between Scrooge, the solitary, really mean figure, and the Cratchit family, this warm, loving, mutually devoted family, is at the heart of “The Christmas Carol”. Symbols of coldness such as Scrooge’s empty hearth, refusal to provide heat for Cratchit, and keeping his own house dark to save money show Scrooge’s cruelty and lack of connection. ( Log Out /  Fred, Scrooge’s nephew, displays the attitude and outlook on life that is needed for Scrooge to be redeemed. For example, poorer children may have to wait ... work which will be vital skill in later life. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Dickens wrote ” Cratchit’s wife, dressed out poorly in a twice-turned gown, but brave in ribbons”, the readers because of this, admire her. But Bob responds that he forgives everything on Christmas and gently scolds her for talking negatively on Christmas day. Bob Cratchit, Scrooge's clerk, is a poor man with a large family to support. Scrooge is exposed to the family he could have had if he hadnt become selfish and money orientated. What did Scrooge think about how people treated him? And had Cratchit left Scrooge’s employ, what would have happened to the Cratchit family – debtor’s prison? Residence in a workhouse? Firstly, it is a heart-warming Christmas story, designed to highlight the Christmas spirit and to be read aloud (as many Victorian families did). Still have questions? Dickens uses Bob and the Cratchit family to outline the social problems poverty causes in Victorian society. The Cratchit family are Christians who value love & family over money. Martha is the Cratchit’s eldest daughter and she is about seventeen years old. But after three and a half years of dedication I plan to get my degree in the fall of 2002. Bob Cratchit’sfamily represent a strong family, despite their place in poverty. On Christmas Eve, Mr. Scrooge has brought his banker’s book home with him to review all evening. Shopaholics, on the other hand, almost never keep any records of their purchases. Bob Cratchit, Scrooge's clerk, is a poor man with a large family to support. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Many of our Christmas Carol figures sold out at Christmas, but we still have a few of these rarely seen characters: the Cratchit family, and Mr. & Mrs. Fezziwigs.