(i) That an imprest fund or third party draft purchase has been made;                 (iii) Unit prices and extensions; and 13.303-3 Preparation of BPAs. 2305(a)(3), for DoD, NASA, and the Coast Guard— (f) A system is in place to ensure- (2) Purchases using this authority must have a clear and direct relationship to the support of a contingency operation; or the defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; international disaster assistance; or an emergency or major disaster. The requirements at 13.501(a) apply to sole-source (including brand-name) acquisitions of commercial items conducted pursuant to subpart 13.5. 13.402 Conditions for use.                      (A) The contracting officer’s knowledge of and previous experience with the supply or service being acquired; A requirement that all shipments under the agreement, except those for newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals, shall be accompanied by delivery tickets or sales slips that shall contain the following minimum information:                 (i) Market research; A lease acquired under this acquisition method was previously referred to as a simplified lease acquisition threshold (SLAT) lease or "short form" lease. (b) Evaluation procedures. Formal evaluation plans and establishing a competitive range, conducting discussions, and scoring quotations or offers are not required. The purpose of these simplified procedures is to vest contracting officers with additional procedural discretion and flexibility, so that commercial item acquisitions in this dollar range may be solicited, offered, evaluated, and awarded in a simplified manner that maximizes efficiency and economy and minimizes burden and administrative costs for both the Government and industry (10 U.S.C.2304(g) and 2305 and 41 U.S.C.3305, 3306, and chapter 37, Awarding of Contracts. Do not cite accounting and appropriation data (see 13.303-5(e)(4)). 2292 et seq; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster (42 U.S.C. The following list are all Simplified Acquisition contracts that were awarded by state in 2014. 13.302-4 Termination or cancellation of purchase orders. (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card (but see 32.1108(b)(2)). (3) Federal Supply Schedule contractors, if not inconsistent with the terms of the applicable schedule contract. (3) Purchase limitation. (3) The use of this procedure would avoid the writing of numerous purchase orders. However, if the purchase is assigned to another activity for administration, the authorized Government representative shall document receipt and acceptance of supplies or services by signing and dating the agency specified form after verification and after notation of any exceptions. (c) The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section do not apply to laws that-, (1) Provide for criminal or civil penalties; or. 13.302-3 Obtaining contractor acceptance and modifying purchase orders. (b) Deliveries of supplies are to occur at locations where there is both a geographical separation and a lack of adequate communications facilities between Government receiving and disbursing activities that will make it impractical to make timely payment based on evidence of Government acceptance. The contracting officer must include enough information to permit suppliers to develop quotations or offers. (c) Titleto the supplies passes to the Government- 3901(b) (contract clause regarding contingent fees). In soliciting competition, the contracting officer shall consider the guidance in 13.104 and the following before requesting quotations or offers: (i) The nature of the article or service to be purchased and whether it is highly competitive and readily available in several makes or brands, or is relatively noncompetitive. (a) The following terms and conditions are mandatory: The Governmentwide commercial purchase card may be used by contracting officers and other individuals designated in accordance with 1.603-3.       (d) The use of imprest funds or third party drafts for the transaction otherwise complies with any additional conditions established by agencies and with the policies and regulations referenced in 13.305-1. (c) The following statement on the consignee’s copy:            (1) Description of agreement.            (2) A single firm from which numerous individual purchases at or below the simplified acquisition threshold will likely be made in a given period; or (b) File documentation and retention. (v) Past experience concerning specific dealers’ prices. 2305(a)(3), for DoD, NASA, and the Coast Guard— (3) SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract, or a purchase order form may be used to modify a purchase order, unless an agency form/automated format is prescribed in agency regulations. (b) File documentation and retention.       (c) Develop and issue appropriate implementing regulations.                 (vii) Any other reasonable basis. § 200.88 Simplified acquisition threshold.                 (i) A summary invoice shall be submitted at least monthly or upon expiration of this BPA, whichever occurs first, for all deliveries made during a billing period, identifying the delivery tickets covered therein, stating their total dollar value, and supported by receipt copies of the delivery tickets. (a) Commercial items.                 (v) The contracting officer’s personal knowledge of the item being purchased; Agencies also shall be guided by the Manual of Procedures and Instructions for Cashiers, issued by the Financial Management Service, Department of the Treasury. (i) That an imprest fund or third party draft purchase has been made; (ii) The unit prices and extensions; and, (iii) The supplier’s name and address; and, (2) Require the supplier to include with delivery of the supplies an invoice, packing slip, or other sales instrument giving-. (f) Inquiries. (2) However, an oral solicitation may not be practicable for contract actions exceeding $25,000 unless covered by an exception in 5.202. The contracting officer shall disclose to the contractor that the TIN may be used by the Government to collect and report on any delinquent amounts arising out of the contractor’s relationship with the Government (31 U.S.C. 13.003 Policy. (3) See 5.102(a)(6) for the requirement to post the brand-name justification or documentation. L. 111-5): 13.201 General. (b) When acquiring commercial items using the procedures in this part, the requirements of part  12 apply subject to the order of precedence provided at 12.102(c). For example, do not add an inspection and acceptance or termination for convenience requirement unless the existing requirement is deleted. (d) Any individual may petition the Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), to include any applicable provision of law not included on the list set forth in paragraph (a) of this section unless the FAR Council has already determined in writing that the law is applicable.       (a) Periodically review and determine whether there is a continuing need for each fund or third party draft account established, and that amounts of those funds or accounts are not in excess of actual needs; (d) Micro-purchases do not require provisions or clauses, except as provided at 13.202 and 32.1110. (2) If telecommuting is not prohibited, agencies shall not unfavorably evaluate an offer because it includes telecommuting unless the contracting officer executes a written determination in accordance with FAR 7.108(b). (c) Soliciting orally. (2) Extent of obligation. (2) Written solicitations (see 2.101). Simplified Acquisition Threshold (“SAT”) from $150,000 to $250,000, and Micro-Purchase Threshold (“MPT”) from $3,500 to $10,000.                 (v) The contracting officer’s personal knowledge of the item being purchased; 13.106-3 Award and documentation. (b) Contract file documentation.            (2) Timely feedback to the contracting officer in case of contractor deficiencies; and (2) The clause- 637(a)).            (2) Require the supplier to include with delivery of the supplies an invoice, packing slip, or other sales instrument giving- (a) The following are circumstances under which contracting officers may establish BPAs: (c) See 5.102(a)(6) for the requirement to post a brand name justification or documentation required by 13.106-1(b) or 13.501. destination for supplies to be delivered within the United States, except Alaska or Hawaii, unless there are valid reasons to the contrary; and. The procedure provides for payment for supplies based on the contractor’s submission of an invoice that constitutes a certification that the contractor-, (1) Has delivered the supplies to a post office, common carrier, or point of first receipt by the Government; and. (3) The following contracting officer’s decisions for acquisitions at or below the simplified acquisition threshold are not subject to review under subpart 19.4: (6) Invoices. (c) If an office other than the purchasing office that established a BPA is authorized to make purchases under that BPA, the agency that has jurisdiction over the office authorized to make the purchases shall ensure that the procedures in paragraph (a) of this subsection are being followed. (2) 10 U.S.C. (2) 2402 and 41 U.S.C.            (2) Satisfy the procedures described in subpart  19.6 with respect to Certificates of Competency before rejecting a quotation, oral or written, from a small business concern determined to be nonresponsible (see subpart  9.1); and            (1) The simplified acquisition threshold and the $7.5 million limitation for individual purchases ($15 million for purchases entered into under the authority of 12.102(f)(1)) do not apply to BPAs established in accordance with 13.303-2(c)(3). (a) Each purchase using imprest funds or third party drafts shall be based upon an authorized purchase requisition, contracting officer verification statement, or other agency approved method of ensuring that adequate funds are available for the purchase. Authorized individuals do not have to obtain individual quotations for each purchase. (See Treasury Financial Management Manual, Section 3040.70.)                      (D) Any other reasonable basis. 13.006 Inapplicable provisions and clauses. (f) A system is in place to ensure-. (a) Use a BPA only for purchases that are otherwise authorized by law or regulation. (c) The use of BPAs does not exempt an agency from the responsibility for keeping obligations and expenditures within available funds.                 (iii) Except for DoD, when using lowest price technically acceptable source selection process, justifying the use of such process. (a) The contracting officer placing orders under a BPA, or the designated representative of the contracting officer, shall review a sufficient random sample of the BPA files at least annually to ensure that authorized procedures are being followed. Non-Federal entities adopt small purchase procedures in order to expedite the purchase of items costing less than the simplified acquisition threshold.            (1) The amount of the purchase is at or below the micro-purchase threshold, except for purchases made under unusual and compelling urgency or in support of contingency operations.            (2) part  49 or 52.213-4 for other than commercial items. (a) The fast payment procedure allows payment under limited conditions to a contractor prior to the Government’s verification that supplies have been received and accepted. (a) Commercial items. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution. (4) There is no existing requirements contract for the same supply or service that the contracting activity is required to use. Evaluation of other factors, such as past performance-, (i) Does not require the creation or existence of a formal data base; and. (v) Except for DoD, contracting officers shall ensure the criteria at 15.101-2(c)(1)-(5) are met when using the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process. Prompt payment discounts shall not be considered in the evaluation of quotations; and.                 (iii) Notice is not required under 5.101. (a) Agencies shall use simplified acquisition procedures to the maximum extent practicable for all purchases of supplies or services not exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold (including purchases at or below the micro-purchase threshold).