“We have a huge waste-disposal crisis and a burgeoning poverty problem.” Feeding Hong Kong was founded in 2009, by British expat Gabrielle Kirstein. Personal Problems please enjoy the video insufficient landfill 1. In the eyes of Dr. Winnie Tang, waste is a big problem for Hong Kong, but it can also be an opportunity. Plastic waste, as one of the major waste types disposed of at landfills in Hong Kong, constitutes 19.7 per cent of municipal solid waste in 2012, On the other hand, it is found that our three landfills are expected to be saturated within coming three to seven years. However, is waste charging an appropriate way to alleviate the waste problem in Hong Kong? Hong Kong has a problem. Waste management facilities in Hong Kong 6 : Plate 2.5 Total solid waste received by RTSs and landfills in 2018–By main waste category : 7 : Plate 2.6 ; Arisings of solid waste disposed of at landfills in 2018–By district by main waste category 8 Municipal Solid Waste Charging 2.1 Quantity-based Charging Mechanisms 3. Government COST $$ 3. Tang is one of the founders of Hong Kong’s Smart City Consortium, an organisation founded to provide opinions and advice to the Hong Kong Government about how to make Hong Kong a world-class city, as well as to arm the public with information and education. It is a locally registered charity that aims to fight hunger and reduce the amount of quality food being sent to Hong Kong’s landfills. But there’s also a tremendous amount of opportunity for businesses and individuals to make a positive impact. Rapid generation of municipal solid waste has put enormous pressure on Hong Kong’s three existing landfills which will be full by the mid to late 2010s. December 2015 ELTU 1002 English Communication for University Studies Research-Based Expository Essay Food Waste Problem in Hong Kong: The current situation and the possible solutions Introduction Renowned as the Food Paradise, people all over the world come to Hong Kong for the food here. This information note 1 In Hong Kong, the daily amount of municipal solid waste generated was 15 629 tonnes in 2015 which was translated into a per capita generation rate of 2.14 kg per day, more than that of 0.96 kg in Japan, 1.33 kg in the United Kingdom and 1.32 kg in Finland. Wasteful habits due to laze Expansion of landfill Cash for plastic collection scheme Increasing the number of recycling bins Insufficient recycling bins leads to low accessibility Solid Waste Problem Building incinerators Perspectives Flawed waste disposal system: insufficient Waste and what to do with it is a complex issue. Food lost takes a heavy toll on natural resources as governments, food banks and recyclers strive to stop the rot. Reflection Essay (Waste Problem and Recycling in Hong Kong) Hong Kong, like any other populated city in the world, is faced with the waste problem. Hong Kong produces 9,000 tons of waste a day according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In contrast, Germany doesn't rely on landfills at all. One of the significant issues contributing to the condition is the urban migration and invasion of the town by the foreigners, all with the aim of investment and the luxurious lifestyle of the city. By 2019, its existing landfills are expected to be full. Our waste stream contains a treasure trove of useful resources, much of which can be reused, recycled and recovered. An average of 793 tonnes of plastic bags are disposed in landfills in Hong Kong every day. Together we generate more than six million tonnes of waste every year – and only 48 percent of it is recycled. 3. However, there are two reasons that contributed significantly to the unmatched solid waste problem in Hong Kong. 1.1 Our Waste Problem 1.2 Hong Kong's Waste Management Strategy 1.3 Government Actions on Different Fronts 1.4 Need for Behavioural Change 2. A plastic bag requires hundreds to thousand years to fully decompose. Photography by Calvin Sit. Hong Kong boasts glittering skyscrapers, seamless transportation and billion dollar infrastructure projects, but it is struggling with a much more mundane problem: disposing of its trash. Hong Kong boasts glittering skyscrapers, seamless transportation and billion dollar infrastructure projects, but it is struggling with a much more mundane problem: disposing of its trash. waste have effectively reduced the waste for disposal. Last year, EPD data showed that the average waste disposal rate per person in Hong Kong has reached the highest levels since records began in 1991. Around 3,500 tons of food waste is produced each day in Hong Kong. Table 1: Municipal solid waste disposed of at landfills and recovered2 Year Municipal solid waste disposed of at the landfills As a city with a dense population, Hong Kong is facing a severe problem of food waste. Waste Management Practices in New York City, Hong Kong and Beijing By Steven Cohen, Hayley Martinez and Alix Schroder December 2015 Introduction Solid waste management is a challenge for large urban areas around the world. to waste in Hong Kong. The government is determined to tackle the waste problem in Hong Kong and has been taking concurrent action on multiple fronts. It includes municipal solid waste (MSW), which comes from domestic, commercial and industrial sources; construction waste, which arises from construction, renovation and demolition activities; and other special wastes such as chemical waste and livestock waste. Sadly, Hong Kong prefers to dump its solid waste in landfill sites, literally just covering up the problem. Therefore, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated places in the world. The city's existing landfills are set to be full by 2018. This is where Hong Kong is failing, he says, and the problem is going to get worse before it gets better. According to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) of Hong Kong, in 2012, 9,278 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) was disposed of at landfills every day. And we’re not just talking recycling.So we jumped on the chance to bring together some of Hong Kong’s biggest social movers and shakers to shed light on the problems and solutions surrounding waste (listen up, entrepreneurs). The Alternative: Comprehensive Waste Management It is indeed difficult to solve Hong Kong’s problem with domestic waste; however, there is a broad alternative to the Shek Kwu Chau Mega-incinerator: employ a diverse mix of approaches, rather than focusing such vast resources on a single option that is essentially just a very expensive bonfire with added technologies. The EPD (Environmental Protection Department), Hong Kong’s governing body, is recognising the scale of the problem and taking steps to address the overwhelming amounts of e-waste. “The e-waste problem is not serious in Hong Kong because most of what we do is just exporting to developing countries. Jorch Wong Ching-hei, founder of a recycling business started … To start with, it has been placing signposts prohibiting dumping and engaging more in discussions about tech manufacturers’ or suppliers’ responsibilities. Implementation in Hong Kong Context 3.1 Uniqueness and Characteristics of Hong Kong Setting 3.2 Options and Key Considerations 9 Despite various measures to cope with the current waste crisis, as internal and external pressure mounted up, Hong Kong’s waste problem is bound to intensify as China now restricts the import of foreign waste. This is the equivalent weight of 300 double-decker buses and accounts for 40% of Hong Kong’s municipal solid waste. Food waste 2067 Words | 9 Pages. The per capita MSW generation in Hong Kong in 1991 was approximately 1.2 kg/day, which is not particularly high when compared with other developed countries. To use landfills for disposal of plastic bags takes up a lot of landfill space, causing sites to fill up rapidly. First, there is a lack of recycling of construction waste in Hong Kong. At the same time, we must reduce waste at source by cutting down on unnecessary consumption 1 Our Vision for Sustainable Use of Resources and promote source separation – especially with respect to food waste. In Hong Kong, tackling a mounting food waste problem. Hong Kong only have a land mass of 1,104 km 2 but with seven million people living. Indeed, the motivation for household waste recycling has decreased steadily since 2011 (Table 3). Anna Cummins goes on a sobering visual journey into Hong Kong’s ongoing rubbish problem and looks at what exactly is being done to combat it. The Municipal Solid Waste Charging was a widely considered solution to tackle Hong Kong’s urging waste management problem. To avoid waste at the source, it … Which charging mechanism will be more feasible and effective? Waste problem in Hong Kong Standard. However, for the majority of Hong Kong households, the problem lies in overconsumption of plastics, especially single-use products. Removing garbage from residential, institutional and commercial locations in cities is a major logistical and operational task. In the densely populated Hong Kong, waste is a complex issue. Hong Kong----a gourmet paradise When people ordered more than The government has introduced waste management schemes and is working to educate the public on the subject. Noticing the severity of the plastic waste problem, some businesses in Hong Kong are seeking solutions. Hong Kong has a mounting food waste problem. 2. amount of food waste It is time for us to take actions! Food Waste in Hong Kong. 1. According to Food Wise Hong Kong's Food Waste Reduction Good Practice Guide for the Hotel Sector, in 2011, about 3,600 tonnes of food waste was dumped to the landfills every day. So the Hong Kong people actually haven’t seen any pollution from e-waste in Hong Kong; we just export it to Mainland China,” Friends of the Earth's Michelle Au reported. The government has responded by expanding current landfill sites … Food Waste Problem In Hong Kong Possible solutions 2.Restaurants 3. The territory generates around 6.4 million tons of waste each year but is able to collect and process only a minimal portion of recyclable waste. HONG KONG -- Land of hardcore foodies and major food waste. The Waste Problem Hong Kong generates several types of solid waste. Story highlights.