It is thought that these are fish which have become stranded from their 'parent' population as this part of the river is unsuitable for them. Name. The now quite old SAA Chub list had these: Weight Captor Location Month Year 1 10.13.00 P Morgan R. Wye Nov 1981 2 10.08.00 Grant Dunn Midlands gravel pit Nov 2006 3 10.08.00 Dr J Cameron R. Annan Jul 1955 4 10.08.00 W Cockburn R. Crane 1875 It meanders 78km length through mainly farmland until it reaches the Solway Forth. This is a complete guide to fishing for specimen chub which draws on the author's lifetime of experience. That made me sit up because I’d only ever once fished the Annan and that was back in the 1960’s. Fishing on the Annan can be excellent particularly given rain fall. In Spring things get going with excellent brown trout fishing. My local working men’s club fishing section ran a summer match season that was rounded off with an annual foray to distant parts for a fishing – cum hard drinking, male bonding weekend. Splashes seem louder and closer, otters will swim past you, often a matter of feet away and every now and then there will be an almighty crash as a sea trout breaches. Grays of Kilsyth North Lanarkshire Tackle shop with lots of useful information, on places to fish, books, knots, advice etc. Chub are even found in stretches of river set aside for trout fishing. Coarse Fishing Chub and Grayling at Kirkwood. After that the spring (March to May) can also be good, but a fly only rule applies in low water. Flounder are commonly found on the lower tidal stretches of the Annan and the coastal burns within the Annan catchment from both juvenile to adult stage. Ghillie Services Scotland wide Service, accompanied fishing holidays, Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout fishing tuition. They attract females to the nest with their bright red throat/belly and by performing a zig zag courtship dance. They are normally 6-8cm in length with a brown mottled colouration. The numbers tends to be higher in the lowland tributaries but they are also found in upland environments where there are no obstructions (unless moved above those obstructions by people). The River Annan is open 52 weeks of the year, although as the seasons change different species become more important. Eel populations have declined by as much as 90% and are listed as critically endanged. The development of the ova is temperature dependant but the trout fry emerge from the gravel sometime in the spring and at this point they are constantly looking for food. The River Annan is sourced in the Hills to the North of Moffat and from there meanders down over 35 miles of the rolling South Western Scotland area to the Solway firth at Annan town. This permit is for Brown trout (in season) and Coarse fish (grayling, chub, pike and others) only and any salmon or sea trout caught by mistake MUST be returned alive. In spring when the young salmon first emerge from the egg (ova) they are known as alevins and at this stage, with an “egg sac” attached to it to provide it with food, they remain lying in the gravel for about a month after hatching. Shillahill is approximately 2 miles from Lockerbie on the A709 towards Dumfries. Salmon hatch in large numbers overpopulating their habitat, as a result of this only the fitter and stronger survive. The ten pound chub came from the Annan in Scotland. Have you taken any photos of the River Annan (scenic or wildlife)? Salmon can remain at sea for more than two sea winters as can they spawn more than once (often as a grilse and then later as a two or three sea winter fish) in fact between the freshwater and saltwater life stages there are countless variations in terms of age and migration times from salmon ova that have hatched in any one year, this is and can be a huge advantage to the salmon population as any one event (pollution, disease or lack of feeding) is highly unlikely to either wipe out or significantly impact on the population in the long term. . Grayling are thought to have been introduced to the River Annan in the late 19th century at a similar time to the introductions of fish into the Nith, Clyde and Tweed systems. The larger adult flounder are occasionally caught in these areas by anglers while juveniles are often found during electrofishing surveys. This upper beat can be booked for salmon and sea trout for the rest of the year - see Kirkwood on Fish Annan. Available coarse fishing is limited, however. It remains to be seen whether the food availability of this highly fertile fishery will produce fish approaching the chub caught from the River Annan. 4lb 14oz Crucian caught by Howard Reeve at Borwick Lakes Fishery, Carnforth, Lancs, April 2015 . The Annan in the Western Borders of Scotland is an exceptionally accessible river with fishing for salmon, trout, sea trout, grayling and course fish available throughout its length. I have been reading a book today,"The dumpy pocket book for anglers" published in 1960,compiled by Jack Thorndyke,editor of "Angling Times". As the salmon parr grow older each year their numbers are depleted by an urge to migrate leading to a process called smoltification and at this point they are commonly known as smolts, this usually happens after two years but can happen after one or as many as three plus years. although it is possible for fish to move out of these areas due to some downstream migration.Barriers that are natural or manmade remain the biggest obstacle for upstream and sometimes downstream migration of brown trout and sea trout as although populations may exist above manmade barriers they can be small and self-populating and lack the genetic diversity which they wouldget from breeding brown trout moving upstream to spawn. Fishing at night for sea trout is an evocative experience as every other sense is tuned in as vision becomes impaired. By the end of the first summer salmon fry grow rapidly prior to their first winter, the following spring more fry populate the streams with the one year old salmon parr making up only a small percentage of the numbers at this time. Barges and boats, and floating weed rafts provide the same cover. The best time is the winter (mid November to late February) when any method (fly or bait) can be used. I seem to recall this fish still being the record when I started fishing, though the chub record had been downsized to Bill Warren's 7lb 6oz Avon fish. We not only have our own stretch (beat) of the River Annan – called Kirkwood – but we rent another beat – Jardine Hall – about 8 miles upstream. The river holds some exceptional chub, once holding the Britsh record for chub. The river is fairly short by Scottish standards and given the correct conditions fish can be distributed throughout the entire length of the river in a … The main fish found - and hence the target of anglers - are salmon, sea trout, brown trout, grayling and chub, with a few others such as pike. Brown trout and grayling give good sport. Not authenticated with photo or body scales for examination. Very occasional fish are reported by anglers fishing the upper parts of the river but here they would be regarded as very rare. In the main the river is pretty deep and for salmon it reponds best to spinning and worm fishing. The list is vital to the future of coarse fishing in Scotland as a way of raising general awareness and confirming the variety and value of Scotland’s coarse fish. Coarse Fishing Chub and Grayling at Kirkwood. Whether you are fishing a big river or a small stream, chub seem to love the same old features: Overhanging trees provide sanctuary and a place to launch an attack on passing prey. On some of the stillwaters around Lochmaben anglers report capturing high numbers of eels whilst targeting other species but they are probably present in most of the stillwaters in the area. and during the first three months as many as 90% may die. The River Annan Trust & District Salmon Fishery Board. Even casual chub fishing enthusiasts, like the late John Stockdale and I, knew about the potential of the River Annan as a chub fishery back in the 1950s and 60s, but the game fishing element on the river no doubt discouraged coarse fishing on their preserves, and that is understandable, considering the cost of quality sea trout and salmon fishing. Although they appear to breed in many of these stillwaters every year, there seems to be little evidence of the fry surviving their first winter. It meanders 78km length through mainly farmland until it reaches the Solway Forth. In the main the river is pretty deep and for salmon it reponds best to spinning and worm fishing. Chub are even found in stretches of river set aside for trout fishing. As a result, the eyes are then on the side which faces up. The River Annan is open 52 weeks of the year, although as the seasons change different species become more important. Sportfish my favourite mail order tackle shop. That made me sit up because I’d only ever once fished the Annan and that was back in the 1960’s. The river flows through beautiful farmland and has 8 pools, Boat Pool, Roberthill Pool, Prestonhouse Bank Pool, Chub Pool, Smallholm Pool, Smallholmburn Pool, Bush Pool and Geordie’s Pool. This part of the river also holds some excelent chub, grayling and pike. Throughout the Spring and early summer months every time it rains a flurry of salmon will enter the river. The fish will continue to come throughout September, October and November but with one thing only on their minds, to get to their natal burn or river section and breed. Although only 3/4 of a mile long there is plenty of room for an absorbing days fishing. Fishing on the Annan can be excellent particularly given rain fall. . The big grayling came from the River Megrum I think. The 15th November is the official end of the salmon season on the River Annan although this year the season came to a clo ... We've included some of the best fish pictures of the spring and summer with some memorable catches from anglers, some fishing the Annan for their first time this year. This is particularly true with regards to returning sea trout not being able to reach potentially good spawning habitat which will reduce the amount of sea going trout that the river is capable of producing. As adult salmon return on their upstream migration the presence of man-made barriers can be an obstruction (in some cases completely preventing upstream migration) and cause unnecessary damage to the fish although exploitation does remain as the greatest local threat to adult salmon through commercial and illegal netting as well as angling and smaller scale poaching. One imagines anything from a Scottish river that didn't possess an adipose fin was summarily dispatched as a matter of course. The Annan has runs of migratory fish, Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout … Image: River Annan TrustThe transformer (adult) - top - and ammocoetes (juvenile) stages of brook lamprey. The River Annan is well known for the former British record chub of 10lb-plus taken some years ago, and holds hosts of quality chub. As we move into June and hopefully warmer weather the brothers and sisters of the brown trout, the sea trout will start arriving on every tide. Many people catch record fish each year and do not claim a record. After that the spring (March to May) can also be good, but a fly only rule applies in low water. Anglers are sometimes encouraged to fish for them during the trout close season and to remove their catch to conserve the game fish. The Annan is one of the region's foremost fishing rivers. They are abundant on the river throughout their range but now appear to be absent North of a railway viaduct at Cogries, north of Johnstonebridge.